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Toshiba Youth Club Asia 2020, organized by the Toshiba International Foundation and ASEAN Council of Former Students in Japan, was held online in March 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Approximately 100 Japanese and ASEAN alumni who have participated in the past as high school students or as advisors shared their essays on the impact of COVID-19 and their visions afterwards.
It is interesting to hear the real-life words of young people in Asia or in Western countries where they study abroad, describing what they felt and thought under the influence of COVID-19. In these days of news about countries with worrisome political situations, we still feel hopeful about the future of Asia when I think that the young people who participated in this project will build the future of Asia.

東芝国際交流財団とASEAN Council of Japan Alumni (アセアン元日本留学生評議会)の主催で行われているToshiba Youth Club Asiaが、2020年度はパンデミックの影響により2021年3月にオンラインで実施されました。